Narayana Bali Pooja in Gokarna
Narayana Bali Pooja is performed to get rid of family tragedy or misfortune, infertility or wish to have male child. This Pooja helps in eliminating pitru dosha or ancestral curse. In case of unnatural death, Narayana Bali Pooja can fulfill the desires of the deceased family members souls.

What Is Narayana Bali Pooja And Why It Is Good For You?
Narayana Pooja or Narayana Bali Pooja is the name of a Hindu religious prayer and ceremony. The prayers are performed by devotees seeking to please the Hindu deity Narayana. Apart from that, it is good for people who want peace within themselves, who want to clear their sins, who are experiencing fear and lack of confidence, who are looking to grow stronger in their faith and belief. It is also good for people who want to experience unity with other beings, who want better relationships with family members and friends.
Why is Narayana Bali Pooja Important?
Narayana pooja is a form of Hindu worship that involves the veneration of Lord Vishnu. It is considered to be highly beneficial for both spiritual and material well-being. The practice is said to help one attain moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It is also believed to bestow numerous material benefits, such as good health, prosperity, and success in one’s endeavor’s.
The Narayana bali pooja is a powerful ritual that can be performed by anyone regardless of their religious beliefs. All that is required is a sincere heart and the desire to receive the blessings of Lord Vishnu. If you are looking for a way to improve your life and bring about positive change, then this pooja is definitely worth considering!
What are the benefits of Narayana Bali Pooja?
There are numerous benefits of Narayana Pooja. Some of them are mentioned below:
1. It helps in purifying the mind and body and bestowing peace of mind.
2. It brings harmony and unity in the family.
3. It blesses the devotees with good health, wealth, and prosperity.
4. It protects one from all kinds of evils and negativities.
5. It helps in attaining moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death
What do you need to perform Narayana Bali Pooja?
In order to perform the Narayana Bali Pooja, you will need the following items:
1. A clean, white cloth to serve as your altar cloth.
2. An image or statue of Lord Narayana. This can be placed in the center of your altar cloth.
3. A small bowl filled with water.
4. A stick of incense.
5. A lamp filled with ghee or oil.
6. Flowers.
7. Fruit.
8. A copy of the Narayana Pooja Mantra (given below).
9. A bell or conch shell (optional).
Pooja Procedures, and How to do it?
Narayan pooja is a very special and auspicious Pooja that is performed to please Lord Vishnu. It can be done on any day. The pooja involves the chanting of specific mantra, singing of bhajans, and the reading of scriptures. After the puja is complete, Prasad is distributed to all the devotees.
The procedure of Narayan Bali Pooja is as follows:
1) Take a bath and wear clean clothes.
2) Place a picture or statue of Lord Vishnu in front of you.
3) Light a lamp or diya and offer flowers to the Lord.
4) Chant the following mantra: “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”
5) Finally, offer Prasad to the Lord and distribute it among all the devotees.
Who should do Narayana Bali Pooja?
The Narayan Bali Puja is performed for a family member’s unnatural death, which means any death that isn’t natural or by natural causes. Possible reasons for death include:
- Starvation
- Animals
- Accident
- Arson (the willful or malicious burning of property)
- Curse
- Epidemics such as Cholera or other diseases causing untimely death
- Suicide
- Fall from a mountain, tree or any height
- Drowning
- Murder
- Snake bite
- Lightning
It is also performed for the dead persons who were great sinners, and recommended to the ones with Pitru Dosha in Jataka
Reasons to Perform Narayana Bali Pooja in Gokarna
Gokarna has a long history of performing numerous rituals and poojas, which has only been achieved thanks to hundreds of priests and scholars through many generations.
Gokarna is a small temple town on India’s west coast, located in the Kumta taluk of Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district. Lord Shiva, who is also known as Mahabaleshwar, is the most important temple god. The Hindu pilgrimage centre of Gokarna is one of India’s seven major Hindu pilgrimage sites.
Gokarna is a Sanskrit word that translates to “cow’s ear.” Lord Shiva is said to have appeared here through the ear of a cow (Prithvi, Mother Earth). It is located at the confluence of two rivers, Gangavali and Aghanashini, which form an ear-shaped confluence. As a result, Gokarna grew in spiritual importance throughout the world. Maha Mrityunjaya Homam is a highly important ritual in Gokarna.
Raja Mayooravarma, a Brahmin ruler, was responsible in bringing the first 30 or so households to Gokarna. Brahmins have a 1300-year history, and there are documented proofs of Gokarna priests and students performing various pujas such as Navagraha-purak-aghorastra-puja, Narayan bali, Kaal Sarp dosh puja, Maha Mrantuynjya Homam, pind pradhan, tripindi Shraddha, and so on, dating back to the 15th century.
The Shrimad Bhagavata Purana refers to Gokarna as the home of the brothers Gokarna and Dhundhakari. Mahabaleshwara Temple (Maha: great, bal: strong) is a well-known Shiva Temple that holds the ‘Atmalinga’ statue.
How is Narayana Bali Pooja Performed by Gokarna Pooja Shastra?
- Narayana Bali Sankalp
- Pretha Sankalp
- Vinayaka Pooja
- Pretha Avahana
- Dash Pind Pradhan
- Avahanam
- Panchaka Shraddh
- Narayan Bali Homa
- Prayaschita Tila Homam
- Dasha Daan

Narayana Bali Pooja in Kannada & Telugu
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