What is Kala Sarpa Dosha and how can it be treated?

One of the most feared planetary combinations in Vedic Astrology is the Kala Sarpa Yoga, also known as the Kala Sarpa Dosha. It is commonly referred to as a Dosha because it primarily produces unfavourable results. The terms ‘Kal’ and ‘Sarpa’ mean time and serpent, respectively. Rahu and Ketu, the shadowy planets in Vedic Astrology, represent the mouth and body of a serpent, respectively. When all of the planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are placed between the malefic Rahu and Ketu, the Kala Sarpa Dosha is formed. When all of these planets, including the Lagna (Ascendant), align within the Rahu-Ketu axis, they become ineffective and do not produce the desired results. People born with this Yoga in their horoscopes will undoubtedly experience many ups and downs.

The Nadi branch of astrology mentions Kala Sarpa Dosha. Rahu and Ketu are associated with our past life deeds and unfulfilled desires. When all of the planets and Lagna are within their grasp, Karmaphal from previous lives dominates our lives. The Kala Sarpa Dosha is said to have a huge negative impact on people’s lives. The malefic combinations of planets that cause this dosha make people’s lives difficult, unhappy, and unstable. It is widely regarded as a fatal dosha, and people will go to any length to avoid its consequences. However, this does not imply that everyone with this Dosha will suffer. This Yoga can also be seen in the horoscopes of highly successful people. There are Yoga Bhangas, just as there are Yogas, which is why, even with many Doshas, some people achieve great things in life, while others fail to achieve much.

The Effects of the Kala Sarpa Dosha

The Kala Sarpa Yoga is mostly unlucky and is thought to cause serious harm to people. The effects of this Dosha, while negative, will not be the same for everyone. The magnitude or scale of damage it can cause varies depending on the planets’ position and condition.

Some of the problems that people may face as a result of this Dosha are as follows:

  • Workplace delays caused by various projects or endeavours
  • Business losses, with obstacles impeding growth
  • a weakened mental state
  • Anxiety and health problems
  • There is a lot of tension and misunderstanding among family and friends
  • An unhappy marriage

Kala Sarpa Combinations and Their Effects

The ideal Kala Sarpa Yoga formation is for all the signs between Rahu and Ketu to occupy planets continuously, with no sign remaining vacant. The Kala Sarpa Yoga will not be felt if the Lagna or any of the planets are not aligned with the Rahu-Ketu axis. If Rahu or Ketu join with any planet in the Lagna or the 7th house in a Kala Sarpa Yoga chart, the inauspicious results are greatly reduced. Also, if other good Yogas are present in addition to Kala Sarpa Dosha, then good results will be obtained after some initial difficulties.

Kala Sarpa Yoga will not cause much trouble if Rahu is placed 6 Rashis ahead of all the planets and Ketu is placed behind all the planets. If the planet associated with Rahu or Ketu is in its own sign or exaltation sign, the inauspicious effects of this Yoga are reduced. When Rahu or Ketu is in Trikon, or when Rahu is strong and all the planets are moving towards it, the beneficial effects of this Yoga will increase. When Ketu is 6 Rasis ahead of all the planets and Rahu is 6 Rasis behind all the planets, the Kala Sarpa effects are unfavourable. When Rahu or Ketu occupy Kendra, or when Rahu becomes debilitated and all planets move towards it, the malefic effects increase.

Conditions that negate the effects of Kala Sarpa Dosha

There are a few instances where Kala Sarpa Yoga does not harm the people.

  • The presence of a strong Rajayoga or another powerful Yoga is one of the horoscope conditions that negates the Kala Sarpa Dosha.
  • There are two or more Rajayogas in the birth chart.
  • Malevolent planets influencing Rahu and Ketu
  • Two or three planets in their sign, or in an exalted state
  • Exaltation of the Lagna lord, as well as the ninth and tenth lords

12 different types of Kala Sarpa Dosha or Yoga

1. Ananta Kala Sarpa Dosha

This yoga is formed when Rahu is in the Lagna and Ketu is in the 7th house. All of the planets will be in the space between them. People with the Anant Kala Sarpa Dosha will have to work extremely hard to achieve success in life and may become addicted to gambling, playing the stock market, and so on. Engaging in such ventures can result in numerous losses. Those with this Dosha in their horoscope may also face lawsuits, police cases, marriage delays/problems, health issues, and so on. If other strong Yogas are present in their charts, they will gradually improve after the age of 27.

2. Kulik Kala Sarpa Dosha

When Rahu is in the second house and Ketu is in the eighth house, this Yoga is formed. This Dosha is associated with defamation, scandals, an unstable marital life, inheritance problems, financial issues, and so on. If other strong Yogas are present in the chart, there will be gradual improvements after the age of 33.

3. Vasuki Kala Sarpa Dosha

Vasuki Kala Sarpa Dosha is caused by Rahu in the third house and Ketu in the ninth house, which causes a slew of domestic issues, whether with siblings or other family members. Individuals would not see the desired outcomes of their efforts and would receive their rewards later in life. This Dosha may also result in business losses. If other strong Yogas are present in the birth chart, there will be gradual improvements after the age of 36.

4. Shankpal Kala Sarpa Dosha

Because Rahu is in the 4th house and Ketu is in the 10th, this Dosha causes issues with real estate, wealth, and education. It can cause professional difficulties, financial loss due to family members, educational difficulties, and so on. If the Moon is afflicted, it aggravates the situation because the person suffers from mental imbalance. Gradual improvement will occur after the age of 43 if other strong Yogas are present.

5. Padma Kala Sarpa Dosha

Padma Kala Sarpa Dosha occurs when Rahu is in the 5th house and Ketu is in the 11th house. The 5th house represents Purva Punya, so this clearly indicates a lack of Purva Punya. There will be obstacles in the field of education and career, but the individual can overcome all obstacles and eventually succeed. The most dangerous adversaries are poor health and hidden enemies. If other strong Yogas are present in Kundli, there will be gradual improvement after the age of 48.

6. Mahapadma Kala Sarpa Dosha

This is another Dosha that causes problems in the home, with Rahu in the 6th house and Ketu in the 12th. Even if the individuals defeat their enemies, they will become characterless and will be duped by their relatives. The presence of other powerful Yogas will ensure progress after the age of 54.

7. Takshak Kala Sarpa Dosha

When Rahu is in the 7th house and Ketu is in the 1st house, this Yoga is formed. Individuals with this Dosha have difficulty finding love and receiving their share of ancestral property. They may have accomplished a lot, but they have a tendency to give up on everything. They will be fascinated by philosophy and the occult sciences. They may develop a spiritual bent after the age of 60.

8. Karkotak Kala Sarpa Dosha

This Dosha, which has Rahu in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2nd house, has an impact on both mental and physical well-being. Individuals with an irritable personality and an outspoken personality are more likely to fail despite their efforts. They would also face ups and downs in terms of finances, legal issues, and so on. The presence of other powerful Yogas will ensure progress after the age of 33.

9. Shankachood Kala Sarpa Dosha

When Rahu is in the 9th house and Ketu is in the 3rd house, the Shankachood Kala Sarpa Dosha occurs. Individuals who practise this Yoga will face difficulties in business and a sudden loss of power and position. It is possible that they will have to fight for their rights. These people may become increasingly selfish after going through these difficulties. The presence of other powerful Yogas will ensure progress after the age of 36.

 10. Ghatak Kala Sarpa Dosha

Individuals can alleviate this Dosha by performing service for their mothers. It happens when Rahu is in the tenth house and Ketu is in the fourth house. Individuals with this Dosha would struggle to be happy despite their success. There would be issues in both professional and personal lives. Excessive interference from family members can ruin their lives. After the age of 42, the presence of other powerful Yogas will ensure progress.

11. Vishdhar Kala Sarpa Dosha

Rahu rules the 11th house and Ketu rules the 5th house in this Dosha. Memory loss, poor educational experience, and a slew of domestic issues involving property and wealth are all symptoms of this Dosha. Individuals with this Dosha may suffer as a result of their child. After the age of 48, the presence of other powerful Yogas promises gradual progress.

12. Sheshang Kala Sarpa Dosha

This is the 12th and final Dosha, with Rahu in the 12th house and Ketu in the 6th. This is yet another Dosha that is physically and mentally debilitating. Individuals face a life of defamation and struggle to overcome it. They will have many hidden enemies and will never be happy with their lives. After the age of 54, the presence of other powerful Yogas promises gradual progress.

How do you counteract the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha?

To counteract the negative effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha, Vedic astrology suggests the following remedies:

  • At least 108 times a day, chant the Panchakshari Mantra or “Om Namah Shivay
  • At least 108 times a day, chant the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra Jaap
  • Chanting the Rahu Beeja mantra 108 times while holding an Agate string
  • Every Saturday, Water the Peepal tree
  • Every Sunday, especially on Panchami Tithi, prayers are offered to Nagaraja and other Snake Gods
  • Worshiping Lord Shiva by performing Shiva puja and offering milk, flowers, Bilva Patra, fruits and plums, and Abhisheka on Mondays and Maha Shivaratri, and then donating food and clothing to the needy
  • Worshiping Lord Nataraja, Lord Shiva’s dancing avatar, and performing Shanti Puja on Sashti Tithi
  • On Nag Panchami, people observe a strict fast and worship the Nag Devta
  • On a Saturday or Panchamitithi, pray to Lord Krishna and throw 11 coconuts into the river
  • On a Monday, offer 108 pairs of metal Nag and Nagin in the river, as well as Rudra Abhishek
  • The Kaal Sarp Gayatri Mantra is being chanted
  • Make certain that no snakes or other reptiles are harmed. It is also believed that chanting the names of the nine snake dynastical heads at least 21 times on each Sashtitithi is effective
  • The Kaal Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Puja is performed
  • Keeping a pet dog at home is said to please Lord BatukBhairav and to be an effective cure for Kaal Sarp Dosha
  • Vishnu Sahasranama Chanting
  • Manasa Devi worship
  • Worshiping a five-hooded Nag Raj idol, preferably made of silver and kept in the temple of Lord Subramanya Swami. It is considered auspicious to worship the idol on a daily basis with rice mixed with turmeric (Haldi)